
Select a term:

President president@tbp

Carlos Quezada
Carlos Quezada carlosequezada@tbp
'25 Civil Engineering | Talk to me about sports, Spanish music, and anything coffee related. Proudly repping Latinos out here.

Vice President vp@tbp

Zaid Simirrioti
Zaid Simirrioti zaidsim@tbp
MechE 25' || Talk to me about anything especially sports like Soccer or Formula 1
Erin McGee
Erin McGee emcgee@tbp
Nuclear Engineering '27 || cat supremacy || big fan of RSF || climbing <3

Recording Secretary rsec@tbp

Kaia Sanders
Kaia Sanders kaiasanders@tbp
Civ Eng | from seattle! chat w me about the pnw or outdoors, travelling, cooking :)

Corresponding Secretary csec@tbp

Jaden Cordova
Jaden Cordova jaden2004@tbp
'26 BioE | free food >>>

Treasurer treasurer@tbp

Sebastian Spaid
Sebastian Spaid sspaid@tbp
'25 Chemical Engineering | Talk to me about cycling and baseball!

Logistics logistics@tbp

Khang Ho
Khang Ho khangho0228@tbp
Civ Eng 25 | Hello there, I love outdoor activities, I do hiking, running, tennis occasionally. | Talk to me about food, car, hiking spot.

Activities activities@tbp

Eric He
Eric He heeric@tbp
'25 Nuclear Engineering
Hannah Chen
Hannah Chen hannahchen@tbp
MSE '25. Talk to me about: food, science, food science, shows, games, and tier-listing.
Austin Wanlass
Austin Wanlass awanlass@tbp
Activities Committee Member Studying to become a functional member of society! Class of 2026 Aerospace Engineer. I love pole vaulting, skiing, all kinds of video games, Magic: the Gathering, climbing, and just generally anything outdoorsy. Feel free to reach out if any of these things interest you and you're looking for a buddy, or if you just think I'm cool and wanna hang :)
Khang Ho
Khang Ho khangho0228@tbp
Civ Eng 25 | Hello there, I love outdoor activities, I do hiking, running, tennis occasionally. | Talk to me about food, car, hiking spot.

Industrial Relations indrel@tbp

Matthew Dubuque
Matthew Dubuque matthewld2001@tbp
MechE Fall '25 | Feel free to talk to me about photography, art, or books
Jaden Cordova
Jaden Cordova jaden2004@tbp
'26 BioE | free food >>>
Rhonin Huggay
Rhonin Huggay
'MechE Fall 2025
Natalie Tang
Natalie Tang nataliettang@tbp
Hi! I'm majoring in BioE with an emphasis in cell and tissue engineering. I work as a researcher at the Tjian/Darzacq lab on transcription factor isolation. I also think fries taste significantly better unsalted :)
Mia Wang
Mia Wang miawang26@tbp
MSE + EECS Minor 26' | Process Engineering Intern at Marvell Nanofabrication Lab | Passionate about semiconductor, IC-devices, generative AI (GANs)
Benjamin Choi
Benjamin Choi choidben72@tbp
Drew McCall
Drew McCall drewmccall@tbp
Hey there! I like reading, cars, and going outside.

Professional Development prodev@tbp

Cate Harada
Cate Harada csharada05@tbp
MechE | matcha, baking and young sheldon have my heart <3
Natalie Tang
Natalie Tang nataliettang@tbp
Hi! I'm majoring in BioE with an emphasis in cell and tissue engineering. I work as a researcher at the Tjian/Darzacq lab on transcription factor isolation. I also think fries taste significantly better unsalted :)
Navika Singhal
Navika Singhal navikas@tbp
'27 MechE | Talk to me about books, arts and crafts, and music :)

Engineering 98 stars@tbp

Simah Kikhia
Simah Kikhia simahkikhia@tbp
'27 Engineering Physics | I love to do embroidery and other crafts | Talk to me about books, art, tea, badminton, and music!
Divya Chintamani
Divya Chintamani divyafromwisco@tbp
I'm a 3rd year studying bioengineering. I love to playing tennis, hiking and painting!

Information Technology it@tbp

Dylan Anuskiewicz
Dylan Anuskiewicz dylana2z05@tbp
'27 NucE + EECS | catch me running or launching rockets, trying to maximize classes, research, and extracurriculars at the same time
Simah Kikhia
Simah Kikhia simahkikhia@tbp
'27 Engineering Physics | I love to do embroidery and other crafts | Talk to me about books, art, tea, badminton, and music!

Historian historian@tbp

Mia Wang
Mia Wang miawang26@tbp
MSE + EECS Minor 26' | Process Engineering Intern at Marvell Nanofabrication Lab | Passionate about semiconductor, IC-devices, generative AI (GANs)

Student and Alumni Relations stars@tbp

Kyle Huo
Kyle Huo kylehuo@tbp
Civil Engineering & EECS
Simah Kikhia
Simah Kikhia simahkikhia@tbp
'27 Engineering Physics | I love to do embroidery and other crafts | Talk to me about books, art, tea, badminton, and music!
Kaia Sanders
Kaia Sanders kaiasanders@tbp
Civ Eng | from seattle! chat w me about the pnw or outdoors, travelling, cooking :)

Service service@tbp

Katelyn Dale
Katelyn Dale kdale@tbp
Benjamin Choi
Benjamin Choi choidben72@tbp
Rhonin Huggay
Rhonin Huggay
'MechE Fall 2025
Drew McCall
Drew McCall drewmccall@tbp
Hey there! I like reading, cars, and going outside.
Janelle Tsuda
Janelle Tsuda janelletsuda@tbp
'27 MechE | My favorite hobbies are reading, crocheting, and tennis!

Projects projects@tbp

Katelyn Dale
Katelyn Dale kdale@tbp

Advisor advisors@tbp

Oscar Chan
Oscar Chan ochan2@tbp
Kifflom! I am a Spring 2022 alumni working as a Software Engineer at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center's The Cardiac Suite team. I was a Transfer Student and 5th Year Masters student in EECS. I'm open to new and exciting hobbies (please share any you have with me, or better yet hang out over that!), but I like games, biking, hiking, teaching, and nerding over code! NoCopyrightSounds is my jam! Starting Fall 2022, I will be advising the IT and E98 committees
James Zou
James Zou jameszou24@tbp
Civil Engineering || Transfer Student || Eagle Scout