Details for T-Shirt Design Contest Deadline

Event has ended

Sun, Nov 3 11:58 PM to 11:59 PM ( Add to Google Calendar | iCal)
Google Forms
Create your TBP Shirt!!!

Google Form Link:

Design the Fall '24 TBP t-shirt for this semester's new members!

Your design must include 'Tau Beta Pi' and 'Fall 2024,' but feel free to draw inspiration from The Bent, TBP lettering, UC Berkeley, or the 4 house names.

You can use CustomInk’s design lab or any other method to create your design.

Submit your design as a link, PDF, and/or JPG to the Google form by Sunday, November 3, for a chance to win and have your design featured on this semester’s t-shirts—plus an extra prize from TBP!

If you have any other questions or concerns, do not hesitate to reach out to us VP's at and we'll do our best to help!

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