Paul Monasterio - Spring 2006
Building on the work of past presidents and the incredible success of the career fair in the fall 2005 semester, many changes and ideas that had traditionally been prohibited because of financial concerns were considered and implemented. Also with the new,young, and enthusiastic officer corps many new ideas and projects were brought into the chapter allowing for drastic improvements. TBP had reached a new level of growth and networking with outside institutions was the next step. The semester's theme was clear since the beginning: our expansion to new horizons.
During the previous semesters the chapter had been extremely active in incorporating new ideas, improving old projects,and solving internal conflicts. Most of the work done by the previous presidents focused on improving TBP's image and improving our internal workings. At the end of the spring 2005 semester TBP was already a very well oiled-machine with a strong internal infrastructure and a large corps of dedicated officers that were able to successfully perform in their positions.
The fall 2005 semester provided the necessary resources for the expansion of our chapter with the financial flexibility provided by the incredibly successful career fair, as well as the creation of the knowledge management database which provided better continuity for the officers, which proved vital during the spring semester with the retirement of many of our long-time veterans and large number of new officers (19 out of the 35 officers were new members in spring 2006).
Spring 2006 therefore represented the beginning of a new era for the chapter. Using the financial resources obtained in the fall as well as the improved knowledge database to make up for the lack of experience the chapter was ready to expand in a new direction. Early in the semester the chairs, vice-presidents and I prepared a vision in which the main theme was the chapter's need to network with our alumni, the faculty, the industry, and other campus institutions to finally solidify TBP's position as one of the strongest and most recognized organizations in the engineering community.
To accomplish this we laid the foundations for a series of events and mixers with the sole purpose of publicizing our chapter to those different sectors of the academic or professional community. Our first alumni mixer during the semester was a tremendous success bringing together over 40 chapter members and 10 members of the SF bay area alumnus chapter. Main preparations were also done for the faculty and corporate mixers to occur in the fall. We also expanded our publicity campaign by publicizing in engineering news during the semester, expanding our services available to the public, and holding the engineering BBQ and 1 cent lemonade stand during Cal Day, which was another success reinforcing our positive image within the college and student body.
In the mean time we also continued improving our internal infrastructure and projects with the addition of many new events such as mock interviews, TBP team scrabble, study rooms for finals, and smoothie night. We also added new features to our website including an improved a resume database, corporate relations information and registration page, improvement of the knowledge management database, and the revival of the TBP forums as a place to discuss ideas for the improvement of the chapter.
Finally we improved our relationship with the career center to obtain their full support of our corporate events, worked with the CITRIS building cybercafe committee in hopes of obtaining additional office space once the project is finished as well as improving our relations with the faculty and staff, and worked towards a resolution of the 220 Bechtel room conflict with EJC and other student groups.
The dramatic increase and value of the services provided by TBP as well as our new position within the engineering community have already produced tangible results in the increased return rate of our members (which had been one of our worst problems over the past semesters), the outstanding return rate of officers (19 out of the 24 who did not graduate are returning in the fall), and excellent turnout of new members at elections. The enthusiasm of the new officers is palpable and the chapter is ready to continue growing under a new and dedicated leadership. This semester (and academic year) has been one of the best in recent TBP history. Following Diana Nguyen's comment from spring 2005 I feel that we are not in the Golden Era anymore. We have reached the platinum one and we are still growing!
Important Contributions and New Traditions
- First ever alumni mixer in conjunction with the SF Bay Area Alumnus Chapter (New Projects)
- Foundations for faculty mixer to occur on the Fall (Advising)
- TBP Study Room for finals (Advising)
- Foundations for corporate mixer to be incorporated with the career fair (Industrial Relations)
- Development of the online resume book (Industrial Relations and Information Technologies)
- Improvement of the industry resources in the website (Industrial Relations and Information Technologies)
- Addition of multiple features to the website (Information Technologies)
- Revival of the TBP Forums!
- Laid foundations for the corporate mock interviews in the Fall (Professional Development)
- New Tau Beta Pi girl tank tops (Publicity)
- Hosted Cal Day Engineering BBQ and TBP 1 cent Lemonade Stand (EJC Representatives)
- First ever Tau Beta Pi Group Scrabble Contest (Vice-presidents)
- Improved relations with the Career Center in order to support our corporate events
- Creation of the Bernie Lin Candidate of the Semester Award and D. K. Lieu Outstanding Officers Award
- Establishment of Tau Beta Pi Alumni Donations
- Partial resolution of the 220 Bechtel Room Situation
- Improved food at General Meetings
- Graduation Stoles Rental Service and Subsidy for Active Members
- Improved member participation, had an excellent return rate of officers at elections,and an excellent turnout of new members to elections